Friday, October 1, 2010

October Meeting

Hello fellow Bluestockings!

It has been one year since we revived our beloved bookclub! I am very proud of us, even though
we've all struggled at one time or another to finish (or even start) some of the books.

I really enjoyed The Seven Miracles that Saved America. I learned quite a bit about our country's
history and really feel that much of how the U.S. came to be was divinely inspired and directed.
That said, I kept trying to think of what people born in other countries would think if they read it.
I remember on my mission having some people comment on how "American" the LDS church is
and even express a feeling of superiority coming from American members of the church. That
made me sad. I appreciated the paragraph at the end of the book that said,

"A person might ask, by what right do any people claim that God would select a particular people
or country for special blessing? It is important to understand that He accomplishes this not by
diminishing other nations, but by lifting a nation up. And if He raises up a nation, it is with the
expectation that that nation will then lift up others. The divine selection is not alone a prize; it is a
duty imposed. In the speech that President John F. Kennedy would have delivered had he not
been assassinated, he boldly proclaimed, "We in this country, in this generation--by destiny rather
than choice--are the watchmen on the wall of world freedom".

That's quite a responsibility and one I sometimes wonder if our nations leaders think about.

Other thoughts???

Any takers for choosing the book for November? I think I skipped Micah, if we're starting over in
order. I have Sarah's Key waiting for me at the library. I'm going to get it tomorrow and try to get
through it before this little one decides to arrive! 16 days to go (or less, I hope!)



Less than 16 days now, Karen. It has taken me a while this month...lots going on:).
I took the advice to read a chapter, at least. The chapter I choose to read was the one on
Lincoln. So, now I have two more books to read on my list...the seven miracles (since I only read
one chapter before it was due back at the library) and With Malice Toward None- a biography on

Sorry I don't have much to add to the discussion this month other than hurrah for bookclub!
Thank you to Karen, our eternal secretary. And do read Sarah's Key. I borrowed that one from a
friend and read it last month. It's a goodie.


November Book: Sarah's Key
Chosen by: Robyn